August Connection Event
* To carpool, meet @ SC3 at 8:00 am. If you would like to drive up on your own, we will hike around
9:00 am.
August Connection Event
- WHEN: Friday, August 22nd @ 8:00pm
- WHAT: Night out @ Jillians
- WHERE: Southend Jillians; 200 E. Bland St.
- WHO: (insert contact person and phone #)
- COST: be prepared to pay for your own food and activities (i.e. bowling, arcade games, etc)
* note: save gas ! the LYNX light rail stops @ E. Bland St.
Hey Dan!alright, so i'm not exactly sure if this is what you want...but i hope it works! if u don't like it, feel free to lemme know and i can reword/reformat and/or put it in a word doc -- i tried to be straight to the point. The text in red, i was not sure about, and didn't know if maybe you had a better understanding of the details or if you wanted to hold back on giving that info. The only thing i would suggest is to designate a contact person for each event- someone that is for sure going to be there and has knowledge of the logistics for the particular event; this can be added to the 3Ws as "Who". I also hyper-linked a few addresses and venues.